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Tactile Finance’s Tacfi Helps Borrowers Control the Mortgage Process

Tactile Finance’s Tacfi Helps Borrowers Control the Mortgage Process

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateSpring 2014.

Then, Tactile Finance launched Tacfi, a website that helps borrowers select a mortgage provider:
“Tacfi is a consumer mortgage website that, for the first time, allows mortgage shoppers to truly control their outcomes throughout the mortgage process. Tacfi puts the intelligence of the mortgage industry up front and accessible to consumers where it belongs. 
The website will also allow consumers to seamlessly connect to select mortgage providers, while providing an easy way to safely and effectively navigate the mortgage process from end to end.”
Presenters: Nicole Hamilton (CEO) and Shivie Mannshahia (Architect)
Product Launch: FinovateSpring 2014
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions
HQ: New York, NY
Founded: May 2012
Twitter: @tactilefinance